Hear the World Podcast

Hear the World interviews leaders, teachers, and healers from different cultures and religions, to hear what wisdom they may have to offer on the Coronavirus pandemic and its effects on the world.

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Episode 6 - Islam

Monday Jun 29, 2020

Monday Jun 29, 2020

In this episode I speak with Sheikh Faiyaz Jaffer about Islam, and his insights on the Coronavirus.
You can contact Faiyaz Jaffer at fj490@nyu.edu
The musical selection is Gol Nishan, played by Sirvan Manhoobi.

Episode 5 - Buddhism

Thursday Jun 11, 2020

Thursday Jun 11, 2020

In this episode, I spoke with Gelong Loden Nyima about insights on the Coronavirus from a Buddhist perspective.
You can reach Loden Nyima at loden1@protonmail.com
There is a short meditation offered at the end of the interview.

Episode 4 - Judaism

Saturday May 30, 2020

Saturday May 30, 2020

In this episode, I spoke with Rabbi Me'irah Illyinsky, who works with the elderly in San Francisco. I asked her about her own experience with COVID19, and that of the people she works with. I also asked her what insights she has to share with us from a Jewish point of view.
The musical selection is "Papirosen", played by myself.
Rabbi Me'irah's website: http://www.versesilluminated.com/

Episode 3 - Native American

Thursday May 21, 2020

Thursday May 21, 2020

Laughing Coyote is a Mono Indian who has spent many years working as a healer, and now focuses on writing. I am so honored to have the opportunity to speak with him about the Coronavirus, and many issues that we face today, all over the world.
The musical selection at the end is a Native American flute, which I am playing myself.
Wishing everyone good health and happiness!

Episode 2 - Hinduism

Thursday May 14, 2020

Thursday May 14, 2020

In this episode, we hear from Sangeetha Kowsik, the Hindu chaplain of New York University and founder of the Ihsan Ishan design company:
The musical selection is "Rag Bhairavi", as played on the sitar by Will Marsh:

Episode 1 - Christianity

Friday May 08, 2020

Friday May 08, 2020

Hear the World interviews leaders, teachers, and healers from different cultures and religions, to hear what wisdom they may have to offer on the Coronavirus pandemic and its effects on the world.
In this episode, we hear from Father Emanuele, a Catholic priest from Italy.
The musical selection is "Tarantella sin Fronteras" by Marco Ghezzo.
Translation to and from Italian: Maria Falauto

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